
Protesters Interrupt US Congressional Hearing, Say Washington Shouldn’t Fund Israel-Hamas War

Protesters, their hands stained with red paint, repeatedly disrupted a congressional hearing on Tuesday, October 31, 2023, regarding US military aid in the Israel-Hamas war.

They passionately called for an end to Washington’s financial support in the Israel-Hamas war.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin were seeking billions of dollars in military assistance from the Senate Appropriations Committee, not only for Israel but also for Ukraine and other security expenses.

Approximately two dozen observers raised their paint-covered hands, symbolizing the bloodshed in Gaza since Israel initiated its bombardment of the Palestinian territory in response to a recent Hamas attack.

Some individuals had “Free Gaza” messages inscribed on their arms and held signs that read “No more $$$ 4 Israel”.

Others vocalized chants like “Ceasefire now,” “Palestinians are not animals,” and “Shame on you all.”One man wore a shirt with the words “Stop backing genocide.”

The interruptions caused Secretary Blinken to halt his speech on multiple occasions as the demonstrators were escorted out by the police.

President Joe Biden had requested over $105 billion in security spending from Congress, which included $14.3 billion in aid for Israel, one of the United States’ closest allies.

On the same day as the hearing, Israeli troops and Hamas militants were embroiled in intense conflicts in Gaza, with Israeli military forces advancing through the war-ravaged territory, described by the United Nations as facing “unprecedented” humanitarian needs.

The response to the Hamas attack by Israel has resulted in more than 8,500 casualties, according to the Hamas-run health ministry, with a significant number of them being children.

This conflict comes after a history-making attack by Hamas, in which they killed approximately 1,400 people in a brutal cross-border raid, according to Israeli officials.

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